We are an organization that performs different projects to serve churches, christian institutions and communities in need. This is done through donations and volunteers from mission groups.

What we do?

We do projects in three areas:

  • Construction. We support churches through building roofs, floors, courts and painting auditoriums and multipurpose rooms. Skills in carpentry are very useful in constructing cabinets, benches and tables. 

    In this area of México, building construction requires the use of beams, sand, gravel, cement and blocks. Therefore, the team will be involved in lifting beams and blocks, helping with the preparation of the cement mix and carrying it in buckets to the place it is needed.

  • Ministry. An important part of the trip is to get to know local people and families in order to establish significant relationships. In this sense, we promote community interaction through the VBS program. Vacation Bible School offers an opportunity to interact with children, their families and leadership of the church. The team not only shares a portion of the Bible, but their experiences in their path with Christ. Churches in the area use this program as a tool to reach their neighbors with the Gospel.

    Also, we facilitate training courses in Christian education, administration and finances. There are many opportunities for these who have experience in those areas.

  • Community service. Community needs are identified through the churches where the construction projects are held. The team donates and distributes items, such as toys, clothes, food, school and health supplies to the community.

    We promote the welfare of low-income families with maintenance of their households, such as repairing roofs and painting walls. There are opportunities for those in the medical field through temporary clinics.




The history


It all started when…

In 1984 I was a high school student and worked part time to help support my family. My dream was to become a PE teacher with a specialty in table tennis. I shared this dream with some young people from my church, but we did not have the funds to purchase the equipment. During this time, I met missionaries Bryce and Noreen King, and I shared my vision with them. They said they would pray and look into possibilities of making this dream come true.

A few months later they donated the equipment to the church. It was used to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ and reach out to more people for His Kingdom. In gratitude for their support, I offered to wash their car and became the driver for the mission groups that they hosted. Bryce and Noreen instructed me in working with mission groups, and our relationship grew. 

The Kings returned to the States, but Bryce introduced and recommended me to the agency as the contact and host for the short term mission groups from the USA. In 1989 I married Norma. She has been involved as well in this ministry.

Since 1999 I have been working with Reformed Evangelistic Fellowship, hosting mission teams. Due to changes in taxation required by the government, Sowing a Vision was born as a non-profit legal organization in 2017. Our objective is to perform different projects to serve churches, Christian institutions and communities in need. This is done through donations and volunteers from mission groups. 

Gabriel Glory